How can you help us serve you more efficiently?
(Tips for better service from your Telephone Answering Service.)
(Tips for better service from your Telephone Answering Service.)
On-call information can be given to us daily, weekly or monthly. Weekly and monthly schedules should be faxed or e-mailed at least 1 week prior to the scheduling period. Daily schedules should be faxed, e-mailed in by 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time. This can help us process calls more efficiently during the evening when the majority of our customers are forwarding their phones to us.
Faxed information is preferred, (We like documented information as much as you do). However, you may call changes into the numbers listed below, BEFORE 12:00 noon EST.
In addition to on-call information, please include contact name, account number, office location, and call back number for verification/questions on the information faxed to us. We receive hundreds of faxes every week. Please don’t fax a schedule or any information to us without proper identification!
If faxing change/changes to previously faxed information, bring it to our attention before 12:00 noon Eastern Standard time.
Any information that you would like to be entered as permanent should be faxed to us or called in by to us by 12:00 noon Eastern Standard Time. Any new pager or home numbers should also be faxed in by 12:00 noon Eastern Standard time. PLEASE NOTE: If information is given to us when your call forwarding your phones, it is entered as temporary information in your account as all operators do not have access to account maintenance.
Please designate someone in your office to review and update your account at least once a month. This person may call and request that a supervisor fax a copy of the “mastercard” to be certain that all information and telephone numbers we have in our system are as up-to-date as possible. Keep a copy of the most recent mastercard so that you will always have the same information that we have in our system